Advanced Presentation and Training Skills for Business, Sales, Workplace and Personal
Whether you are persuading, educating, facilitating or informing;- presentation skills are essential in the work environment as well as being handy in your personal life experiences.
Good presenting is about entertaining as well as conveying information, however the formats and purposes of presentations can be very different, for example: oral (spoken), multimedia (using various media - visuals, audio, etc.), PowerPoint presentations, short impromptu presentations, long planned presentations, educational or training sessions, lectures, and simply giving a talk on a subject to a group on a voluntary basis for pleasure. Even being asked to deliver a speech at a wedding or maybe just providing a eulogy at a funeral are types of presentations.
They are all certainly a type of public speaking, and are no less stressful whatever the situation or occasion. In short, a great presenter has two unique qualities: appropriate skills and personal confidence. Confidence comes from knowing what you want to say; therefore learning solid preparation, structure, delivery and strategy skills grows your confidence. Being comfortable with your communication skills, comes with practice, however knowing a few tips along the way can make this process a little easier. At Alibi Training we don’t like forced acting techniques – our presentation training allows you to gain confidence, by profiling and knowing who your audience is - “if you know who they are, you know how to react to them in a positive way”, therefore your audience is more receptive and positive, in this way you are more focused on the task, convincing and persuasive.
At Alibi Training, we develop all of our training courses with the purpose that, people retain more if they are enjoying themselves and feeling relaxed. So whatever your subject and audience, our Train the Trainer with: - The People Puzzle will show you methods and techniques to find ways to make the content and delivery enjoyable - even the most serious of occasions, and the driest of subjects, can be lifted to an enjoyable or even an amusing level one way or another with a little research, imagination, and humour.